custom stopping criteria when using fmincon

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Alessandro Juri
Alessandro Juri 2011년 4월 1일
Does anybody know a way to define "custom stopping criteria" when using fmincon? What I want to do is to stop fmincon when the "optimal" or the funciton value becomes NaN. For example:
Iter F-count f(x)
0 4 0.239457
1 8 0.192672
2 12 0.0374073
3 16 0.0374069
4 20 0.0355964
5 24 0.0349293
6 28 0.0347082
7 32 0.0347077
8 37 0.034304
9 41 0.0341285
10 45 0.0339353
11 49 NaN
12 53 NaN
I am interested in a way to stop fmicon at the 10-th iteration.
Many thanks

답변 (1개)

Sarah Wait Zaranek
Sarah Wait Zaranek 2011년 4월 1일
You can set the stop flag as part of the output function. It is described in the documentation here:
Edited to add an example:
I am stopping using x values but you can get function values from the optimValues structure.
function testerMain
x0 = [10;10;10]; % Starting guess at the solution
A = [-1 -2 -2; ... 1 2 2];
b = [0;72];
[x,fval] = fmincon(@myTestfun,x0,A,b,[],[],[],[],[],options);
function f = myTestfun(x)
f = -x(1) * x(2) * x(3);
function stop = outfun(x,optimValues,state)
stop = false;
if x(1) > 11
stop = true;
disp('Stopping, x > 11')


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