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Can I make the max value in a plot 1 and the rest zero with kronecker delta?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
onamaewa 2019년 2월 22일
답변: Munish Raj 2019년 2월 25일
The spot of intensity at -11 to -12 meters on the y-axis, I'd like to use kronecker delta to make the pixel with the greatest intensity shown while the others are blue (or zero).

답변 (1개)

Munish Raj
Munish Raj 2019년 2월 25일
There is no direct method to implement the kroneckel delta function, but the algorithm can be coded.
The following is a sample code to implement this.
% Find the max value.
maxValue = max(imageArray(:))
imageArray(imageArray==maxValue)=1; %Make all pixels with maximum intensity =1
imageArray(imageArray~=maxValue)=0; %Make all other pixels =0


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