Inserting a word equation in Matlab

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Karel 2012년 7월 26일
I wrote an equation in Microsoft Word with the equation tools (linear form :I(f)=∫_a^b▒[∫_y1(x)^y2(x)▒f(x,y)dy]dx) Is there a way to display the profesional form in matlab?

답변 (2개)

Davide Ferraro
Davide Ferraro 2012년 7월 26일
Depending on the purpose you have multiple approaches.
If it's going on the command window your option is to write the Symbolic expression and use the PRETTY command:
Into the editor you can use LaTeX expression that are converted into equations when publishing:
If you clarify the purpose we may provide you more specific suggestions.

Karel 2012년 7월 26일
It would be needed in the editor, could you help me with the LaTeX? Your links are no longer valid
  댓글 수: 3
Karel 2012년 7월 26일
i followed the advice of the second link. It created this yellow screen (dont know why), and i entered my equation (\int_a^b\!\int_y1(x)^y2(x) f(x,y)dydx i think), but when i execute my program, nothing appears?
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2012년 7월 26일
By execute do you mean publish?

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