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changing the string "JF 2009" to two seperate strings "J 2009" " F2009"

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Dear all I have the following cell matrix
1 'SLO' ' '
1 'SLO' ' '
1 'SLO' 'JF 2009'
1 'SLO' 'MA 2009'
1 'SLO' 'MJ 2009'
1 'SLO' 'JA 2009'
1 'SLO' 'SO 2009'
1 'SLO' 'ND 2009'
1 'SLO' 'JF 2010'
1 'SLO' 'MA 2010'
1 'SLO' 'MJ 2010'
1 'SLO' 'JA 2010'
1 'SLO' 'SO 2010'
1 'SLO' 'ND 2010'
1 'SLO' 'JF 2011'
1 'SLO' 'MA 2011'
1 'SLO' 'MJ 2011'
1 'SLO' 'JA 2011'
2 'SLO' ' '
2 'SLO' ' '
2 'SLO' 'JF 2009'
2 'SLO' 'MA 2009'
2 'SLO' 'MJ 2009'
2 'SLO' 'JA 2009'
2 'SLO' 'SO 2009'
2 'SLO' 'ND 2009'
2 'SLO' 'JF 2010'
2 'SLO' 'MA 2010'
2 'SLO' 'MJ 2010'
2 'SLO' 'JA 2010'
2 'SLO' 'SO 2010'
2 'SLO' 'ND 2010'
2 'SLO' 'JF 2011'
2 'SLO' 'MA 2011'
2 'SLO' 'MJ 2011'
2 'SLO' 'JA 2011'
As you can see I have bimontly data. I want to modify the last column so as to have months like
1 'SLO' ' '
1 'SLO' ' '
1 'SLO' 'J 2009'
1 'SLO' 'F 2009'
1 'SLO' 'M 2009'
1 'SLO' 'A 2009'
1 'SLO' 'M 2009'
1 'SLO' 'J 2009'
1 'SLO' 'J 2010' }
and so forth
Is there any "clever code to do that?
NOte that the fist column represents the individual. In my real matrix I have 30000 individuals.
thanks in advance

채택된 답변

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2012년 7월 25일
편집: Azzi Abdelmalek 2012년 7월 25일
% try this
a=[c1 A]
d=max(find(cellfun(@(x) length(x)>2,B)==0))
C1(:,4)=cellfun(@(x) strtrim(regexprep(x,x(1),'')),C(:,4),'UniformOutput',false)
C2(:,4)=cellfun(@(x) strtrim(regexprep(x,x(2),'')),C(:,4),'UniformOutput',false)
D=cell(n1*2,4); D(ind1,:)=C2; D(ind2,:)=C1;
E=sortrows([b(1:d,:) ; D],1);
  댓글 수: 2
salva 2012년 7월 25일
thank you both!
salva 2012년 7월 25일
편집: salva 2012년 7월 25일
the only problem though is this part
In my original matrix I have 300000 individuals!
HOw could I solve that problem?

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추가 답변 (1개)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2012년 7월 25일
편집: Wayne King 2012년 7월 25일
One way:
Amodified = A;
B = char(A(:,3));
B(:,2) = [];
B = cellstr(B);
Amodified(:,3) = B;
  댓글 수: 4
salva 2012년 7월 25일
thank you. I mean that since the dimension of column 3 will change we must also change the dimension of the other columns
Wayne King
Wayne King 2012년 7월 25일
It's a cell array so why do you have to adjust the "dimension" of the other columns, they aren't equal to begin with
size(A{1,1}), size(A{1,2})

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