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hello i want to search for ( * .inf ) files in a folder

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Ishak Oussama
Ishak Oussama 2019년 1월 27일
댓글: Adam Danz 2019년 2월 7일
hello i want to search for * .inf files in a folder taking into account the subfolders and after listing filenames in a table column.Sans titre.png

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Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 1월 28일
편집: Adam Danz 2019년 1월 28일
Here's a function that searches for files with a given extension. It searches through a chosen parent directory and all of its subfolder at all levels. At the end of the for-loop, you can choose wether the output (matchList) should list just the filenames or the entire path to the files. I recommend using the entire path in case you have duplicate file names.
% Name the parent directory and file extension
parentDir = 'C:\Users\foobar\Documents\MATLAB';
ext = 'inf'; %without the dot
% list all folders and subfolders
folderList = strsplit(genpath(parentDir), ';')';
% initialize loop vars
exp = sprintf('.+\\.%s', ext);
matchList = {};
% loop through each folder and search for files
for i = 1:length(folderList)
folderData = dir(folderList{i});
names = {folderData.name};
strLen = cellfun(@length, names);
endIdxCell = regexp(names, exp, 'end');
endIdx = zeros(size(endIdxCell));
endIdx(~cellfun(@isempty, endIdxCell)) = [endIdxCell{:}];
% matchList = [matchList; names(endIdx == strLen & endIdx > 0)']; % list filenames only
matchList = [matchList; fullfile(folderList{i}, names(endIdx == strLen & endIdx > 0))']; %list full paths
  댓글 수: 8
Ishak Oussama
Ishak Oussama 2019년 2월 7일
thank you, your hint does not work ,I'm doing another hint that works very well
% Name the parent directory and file extension
parentDir ={'C:\Users\foobar\Documents\MATLAB', '...', '...', 'etc...'};
ext = 'inf'; %without the dot
% initialize loop vars
exp = sprintf('.+\\.%s', ext);
matchList = cell(length(parentDir), 1);
% list all folders and subfolders
for j = 1:length(parentDir)
folderList = strsplit(genpath(parentDir{j}), ';')';
% loop through each folder and search for files
for i = 1:length(folderList);
folderData = dir(folderList{i});
names = {folderData.name};
strLen = cellfun(@length, names);
endIdxCell = regexp(names, exp, 'end');
endIdx = zeros(size(endIdxCell));
endIdx(~cellfun(@isempty, endIdxCell)) = [endIdxCell{:}];
matchList{j} = [matchList{j}; names(endIdx == strLen & endIdx > 0)']; % list filenames only
%matchList = [matchList; fullfile(folderList{i}, names(endIdx == strLen & endIdx > 0))']; %list full paths
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 2월 7일
The hint does work if you're using it propery. It's a hint which means that the code isn't functional by itself. If you format your code so that it's more readable, I can more easily help.

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