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2 XTick are existing on one plot!

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Aimie 2012년 7월 18일
I'm trying to change the x ticks on a plotyy(x,y1,x,y2). This is what I'm doing:
However, the plotyy wants to use something more like [0:10:70], so I am getting my 0:4:64 ticks, but they are just being overlaid over the default ticks. Basically it's just really hard to read and the default ticks do not work for my application.

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Jan 2012년 7월 18일
plotyy creates two axes objects. So do not use gca but the handles replied by AX = plotyy().
  댓글 수: 1
Aimie 2012년 7월 27일
I would like to comment here just to say that I thought that I could only edit the y-axes by using AX(1) and AX(2) handles. However, by using
I was able to set both AX axes handles to make the x-axis ticks change correctly.

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