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need help with date and hour coding in Matlab

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
venkat siddhartha rama
venkat siddhartha rama 2018년 12월 26일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
Hello friends,
I am strugling to make a code for above problem. Actually for my project I need two arrays of Date and Hours.Date column contains 1,1,1,1..... so on for 24 times,then changes to 2,2,2,2....so on 24 times and this thing goes on 365 times( no of dats in a year). Hours colum contains 1 ,2,3,4, . . .so on till 24 and then goes back to 1, 2 3 ... to 24. Basically they are hour and date columns in any year. Can anyone please help me with the logic .

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018년 12월 26일
Here's a start:
dates = repelem(1:365, 24)
hours = repmat(1:24, ......
output = [dates, hours];
See if you can finish it.

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