Adding a line to a scatter plot

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Karl 2012년 7월 16일
Hi, I have an old plot which I used 'scatter(x,y)' to generate. I would now, however, like to add in a line (i.e., connect the points as if i simply used plot(x,y)). Is it possible to add a line to a plot generated from scatter or access the data from the .fig file? Any help would be greatly appreciated

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 7월 16일
It is possible, but the details depend upon which MATLAB version you are using, and upon how many points are in the plot. Could you use the property editor to look at the plot and tell us whether the children of the axes is [one] scatterseries object, or is it a series of patch objects ? If it is one scatterseries object, then how many child objects does the scatterseries object have?


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