how to read data from characters?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Lilya 2018년 12월 18일
댓글: Lilya 2018년 12월 19일
Hi all,
I am trying to read the variables from the list of characters those are saved as .mat file 'attached screenshot.' each of those .mat file has sst, lat, lon. I could not find a proper way to get the data by using the for loop.
for N = 1:nfiles;
filename = [flist(N).name];
disp(['Processing ', flist(N).name]);
Any help will be appreciated :(
  댓글 수: 1
Stephen23 2018년 12월 18일
Note that square brackets are a concatenation operator in MATLAB, so they are completely redundent on this line (you are not concatenating anything):
filename = [flist(N).name];

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Stephen23 2018년 12월 18일
편집: Stephen23 2018년 12월 18일
D = 'path of the directory where those files are saved';
S = dir(fullfile(D,'erdMH*.mat'));
for k = 1:numel(S)
T = load(fullfile(D,S(k).name));
S(k).lat =;
S(k).lon = T.lon;
S(k).sst = T.sst;
If the imported data have compatible sizes you could concatenate them into arrays, e.g.:
lat = []
lon = [S.lon]
  댓글 수: 4
Stephen23 2018년 12월 19일
편집: Stephen23 2018년 12월 19일
"I want the final sst matrix separated"
I do not know what a "separated" matrix is. You can access the imported sst arrays:
  • directly from the non-scalar structure S, or
  • concatenating together (as I showed in my answer), or
  • by putting them into a cell array:
C = {S.sst}
Lilya 2018년 12월 19일
Thanks a lot !!! it works

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