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How to find a value and set the following 2 value to NaN?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Emmanouil  Rachoutis
Emmanouil Rachoutis 2018년 12월 16일
댓글: Emmanouil Rachoutis 2018년 12월 18일
Hi :) I have a vector let's say A=randi(10,1,100)' and whenever I find a value equal to 1 I want to set that value and the following 2 values to NaN.
For another case I need to do the same but whenever there are 4 ones in row, then I need to do set to NaN the 2 values following the last 1.
Does anyone know a way of doing that?

채택된 답변

madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2018년 12월 16일
A([idx idx+1 idx+2])=NaN
  댓글 수: 3
madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2018년 12월 18일
편집: madhan ravi 2018년 12월 18일
Anytime :) , let me get back to you in a few minutes , you can either unaccept my answer or pose it as a separate question so that others may answer you.
Emmanouil  Rachoutis
Emmanouil Rachoutis 2018년 12월 18일
Thanks once again :) I actually had included this question in the main question ;)

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

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