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how to calculate frequency in 3 different text?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Dezdi 2018년 12월 11일
마감: Walter Roberson 2018년 12월 11일
I could calculate frequency in one word but how to compare it to 3 text?
words is my text wchi was split in strt
[wordsu, idx, idxU] = unique( words ) ;
counts = accumarray( idxU, 1 ) ;
[~, S] = sort( counts, 'descend' ) ;
words_us = wordsu(S) ;
counts_s = counts(S)
result = [words_us, num2cell( counts_s )]
I mean the same word in the different text something like this
word text1 freq text2 freq text3 freq
and 5 6 5
the 4 6 3

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