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How to use all the other indices except of the ones given in an array?

조회 수: 344 (최근 30일)
I have a vector let's say A = [1:1:100]', vector B = [1:0.5:50.5]' and a third vector with some indices such us idx = [10 11 30 35 40 90 91 92 93 99]'. I would like set the values of A corresponding to the idx to 0 and the values of B that do not correspond to the idx to 0, somethike like: A(idx) = 0 and B(~idx) = 0.

채택된 답변

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2018년 12월 8일
A(idx) = 0;
B(setdiff(1:end,idx)) = 0;

추가 답변 (1개)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2018년 12월 8일
편집: madhan ravi 2018년 12월 8일
Make those indices logical:
A = (1:100).';
B = (1:0.5:50.5).';
Linear_indices= [10 11 30 35 40 90 91 92 93 99].';
idx=ismember(1:numel(A),Linear_indices); % idx is logical indices
A(idx) = 0
B(~idx) = 0


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