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How to get row index based on two columns

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
Mekala balaji
Mekala balaji 2018년 11월 28일
답변: Andrei Bobrov 2018년 11월 28일
I have below cell array, I want to get the row index if 2nd column is "Continuous" & 3rd Column is <=80.
12 Continuous 891
72 Continuous 23
82 Continuous 562
222 Break 25
132 Continuous 23
832 Break 23
833 Break 23
Desired output(row index):

채택된 답변

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2018년 11월 28일
C = {12 'Continuous' 891
72 'Continuous' 23
82 'Continuous' 562
222 'Break' 25
132 'Continuous' 23
832 'Break' 23
833 'Break' 23};
C = cell2table(C);
rows = find(ismember(T.C2,'Continuous') & T.C3 <= 80);

추가 답변 (1개)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) 2018년 11월 28일
tf1 = strcmp(YourCellArray(:,2), 'Continuous')
tf2 = cat(1, YourCellArray{:,3}) <= 80
DesiredRows = find(tf1 & tf2)


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