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OOP: Select Data with conditional

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Nycholas Maia
Nycholas Maia 2018년 11월 27일
편집: Matt J 2018년 11월 29일
I would like to filter a array of objects (animal class) and get a new array of objects that fits in 2 properties conditions simultaneally.
I want to get all animals that have more than 5 years old and less than 10 inches of height.
My animal class is:
classdef animal
age % years
height % inches
name % string
So I can create animals objects like
dog1 = animal();
dog1.age = 10;
dog1.height = 15;
dog1.name = "Bob";
cat1 = animal();
cat1.age = 2;
cat1.height = 10;
cat1.name = "Alice";
And than put all animals objects in same array, like:
my_array = {dog1, cat1, ...};
How can I "filter" my_array using 2 conditionals (age and height)?

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Luna 2018년 11월 27일
Hi Nycholas,
Try this code below. Filtered array will return to you Jessie and Kayle which meets the conditions.
dog1 = animal();
dog1.age = 10;
dog1.height = 15;
dog1.name = 'Bob';
cat1 = animal();
cat1.age = 2;
cat1.height = 10;
cat1.name = 'Alice';
dog2 = animal();
dog2.age = 10;
dog2.height = 8;
dog2.name = 'Jessie';
cat2 = animal();
cat2.age = 6;
cat2.height = 3;
cat2.name = 'Kayle';
my_array = {dog1, cat1,dog2,cat2};
idx = logical(zeros(1,numel(my_array)));
for i = 1:numel(my_array)
if my_array{i}.age > 5 && my_array{i}.height < 10
idx(i) = true;
filteredArray = my_array(idx);
  댓글 수: 4
Nycholas Maia
Nycholas Maia 2018년 11월 28일
Sure Luna, you are right!
In the end of the day, I'm thinking to use vectors (or a big matrix) to do these operations above.
I was just trying to implement the same idea using OOP, because, in my opinion, the code stays more "clear"...but, any way...
I put here the "animal class" just to abstract my real problem: Read/Import all musical notes from a digital music score/sheet and use MATLAB to analysis the music score in mathematics way...
So, my read/import process is a "for loop" statement that runs on each note of my music score file. Inside this "for loop" I was creating a "musical note" object from the class below:
classdef musical_note
midi_note % Scalar value, like: 60
duration % in seconds, like: 0.5
bar % or measure, like: 1578
instrument % Instrumen who is playing this note, like: "Piano"
Other1 % Other parameter of the musical note...
After the import process, I will have the 'my_array' filled with all music_notes object.
Now, I would like to filter this array, in some "magical way", like:
filtered_array = some_function(my_array, midi_note = 50, duration > 10, instrument = "Piano")
As you well said, I think that the best way to implement this is creanting a big matrix and not use OOP. Right?
Thank you for your quickly answer!
Luna 2018년 11월 29일
편집: Luna 2018년 11월 29일
It does nothing to do with OOP, I think what you need is a kind of table structure for that magical way below.
filtered_array = some_function(my_array, midi_note = 50, duration > 10, instrument = "Piano")
You should set a good defined tables for what you need or be using a database.
(You can still continue to use OOP)

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Matt J
Matt J 2018년 11월 29일
편집: Matt J 2018년 11월 29일
In this scenario, it is better to have a single object whose properties are arrays than an array of objects whose properties are scalars. However, the following should be faster than looping,
my_array = [my_array{:}]; %get rid of cell array storage
conditions = [my_array.age]>5 & [my_array.height]<10;
filtered_array = my_array(conditions);


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