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This code tests rising edges plus the time they occured, but it still give me errors, plus it has to check the file line by line.....PLEASE HELP

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
function [l,c,n] = find_edges(s , a, file)
fid = fopen(file, 'r'); disp('found');
v1 = [0 0 0];
v2 = [0 0 0];
v3 = [0 0 0];
b = false;
seq_dur = seq_dur + 1;
act_off = 0;
last_t = 1 + act_off - seq_dur; l = v1; c = v2; n = v3; frewind(fid); N=fread(fid, 16, 'double'); length(N) N(1:10) assignin('base','helpme',N)
% Set the threshold to 3.5 V.
threshold = 3.5;
offsetData = [fid(2:end); NaN];
risingEdge = find(fid < threshold & offsetData > threshold);
fallingEdge = find(fid > threshold & offsetData < threshold);
hold on
plot(time(risingEdge), threshold, 'rx');
plot(time(fallingEdge), threshold, 'go');
hold off
pulseIndices = zeros(length(risingEdge) * 2, 1); pulseIndices(1:2:end) = risingEdge; pulseIndices(2:2:end) = fallingEdge; pulseTimes = diff(time(pulseIndices));
%c(2) = mult; %n(2) = mult;
while ~feof(fid) swap(l, c); swap(c, n); fread(fid, 'double', 16) t = mod(c(0), seq_dur) - 1; n(2) = mult;
if(~b && l(2) > 0.4 && c(2) > 0.9 && n(2) > 1.0)
rel_delta = l(1) - last_t;
disp( l(1), ' ' , rel_delta , ' ', (t + (l(1) - l(1))) , ' ', l(2) , ' ');
last_t = l(1);
if(rel_delta > (seq_dur + 3) || rel_delta < (seq_dur - 1))
disp( 'bad delta ');
disp( ' ');
disp( rel_delta );
disp( sprintf('\n'));
b = true;
elseif(b && l(2) < 0.8 && c(2) < 0.5 && n(2) < 0.5) disp(t + (c(1) - c(1))); disp(sprintf('\n')); b = false;
b = true; t=2; if(b) disp(t) disp(sprintf('\n')) end
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 7월 9일
What errors are you observing? Is there an error message?
Why is it a problem if the code checks the file line by line?
What is swap() ?

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