stitching an image together from others

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
John 2012년 6월 22일
편집: SAMEER BAMBAL 2019년 3월 20일
I am calling two for loops to load a set of map png images into matlab. I then want to stitch them together. 5x5 at the moment.
I was previously setting each image loaded to, img1 img2 etc, and then stitching them together using
str1 = sprintf('F:\\Mapping\\%g\\%g,x,y);
A1 = exist(str1);
if A1 == 2;
img1 = imread(str1);
img1 = imread('F:\Mapping\No_File.png')l
and then stitching them all together as so:
map = [img1,img2,img3,img4,img5;img6... etc];
In order to simplify, I would like to run a for loop and do the following:
for m = x-2:1:x+2
for n = y - 2:1:y+2
str = sprintf('F:\\Mapping\\%s\\%g\\%g\\%g\\%g\\%g.png',mstring,z,xi,m,yi,n);
A = exist(str);
if A == 2;
img = imread(str);
img = imread('F:\Mapping\No_File.jpg');
except I'm not sure now how to write the map = [img1,img2... etc part as obviously I am changing the value of img each loop.
How would I write the img to the appropriate part of the map image? Is there a way?
I've tried:
stitchxstart = (m-x+2)*256 + 1;
stitchxend = (m+1-x+2)*256;
stitchystart = (n-y+2)*256 + 1;
stitchyend = (n+1-y+2)*256;
and then write as:
map(stitchxstart:stitchxend,stitchystart:stitchyend,:) = img;
as I know the outcome will be a 1280*1280*3... but it obviously doesn't work... not quite sure how to write it to the map variable in the correct manner.
Thanks in advance....

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012년 6월 22일
Try this code:
c1 = rand(5,5,3)
cStitched = c1; % Initialize with the first one.
% Now tack on the others.
for k = 1 : 10
c2 = rand(5,5,3);
subplot(2,2, 2);
cStitched = [cStitched, c2];
subplot(2,1, 2);
% Prompt user if they want to continue.
promptMessage = sprintf('Do you want to Continue processing,\nor Cancel to abort processing?');
button = questdlg(promptMessage, 'Continue', 'Continue', 'Cancel', 'Continue');
if strcmp(button, 'Cancel')
That should be enough to give you a start. You can use a semicolon instead of a comma to tack on vertically. So what I'd do is use the above code to make a full length "row" of 5 by 1280 pixels, then use the semicolon with the same concept
cStitched = [cStitched; oneRow];
To tack on that row vertically.
For the stitching to be general and robust, it's not easy. For example to handle different kinds of images (color, monochrome), different sizes, where they're placed if they different sizes, etc. This File Exchange submission handles all that very well with maximum flexibility:
  댓글 수: 2
John 2012년 6월 22일
Cheers for this, see my modified code... could probably be neater but meh... it does the job
SAMEER BAMBAL 2019년 3월 20일
편집: SAMEER BAMBAL 2019년 3월 20일
@image Analyst:
Thank you for answer
what if I have to do multiple images (like more than 2 such as 9-10) with same code not by inputting number of images but just using for loop till 10 . how is it possible?

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추가 답변 (1개)

John 2012년 6월 22일
stitch = zeros(1280,1280,3);
tempstitch = zeros(1280,1280,3);
j = 0;
for m = x-2:1:x+2
i = 0;
for n = y-2:1:y+2
fprintf('M: %g N: %g\ni: %g j: %g\n',m,n,i,j);
str = sprintf('F:\\Mapping\\%s\\%g\\%g\\%g\\%g\\%g.png',mstring,z,xi,m,yi,n);
A = exist(str);
if A == 2;
img = imread(str);
img = imread('F:\Mapping\No_File.jpg');
if i == 0
tempstitch = img;
elseif i > 0
tempstitch = [tempstitch;img];
i = i + 1;
if j == 0
stitch = tempstitch;
elseif j > 0;
stitch = [stitch,tempstitch];
j = j + 1;


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