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Complex matrix , make certain elements of real and imaginary as zero in a single line without storage

조회 수: 18 (최근 30일)
Suppose I have the following complex matrix
s = rng;
A = complex(randn(5,5),randn(5,5));
T = 0.15
How do I make both the real part corresponding to less than T equal to zero and how do I make imaginary part less than T equal to zero in the same step It is like making the following in one single line
1. realA = real(A);
2. imagA = imag(A);
3. realA(realA<T) = 0
4. imagA(imagA<T) = 0
5. A = complex(realA,imagA)
How do I convert the five steps above in a single line only using A , and no storing of real part of A and imaginary part of A in realA and imagA respectively.

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 8월 29일
A = complex( real(A) .* (real(A) >= T), imag(A) .* (imag(A) >= T));
However, this will fail for real or complex part equal to -infinity, creating NaN in those locations, because 0 (false) times infinity is NaN instead of 0.
  댓글 수: 11
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 8월 30일
If your goal is FPGA then give up on writing as single statement and just do in-place for loop.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 8월 31일
for k=1:length(A)
Ar = real(A);
Ai = imag(A);
if Ar < T; Ar = 0; end
if Ai < T; Ai = 0; end
A(K) = complex(Ar,Ai);
Extra storage: minimal.
Multiplications: none.
If you want to improve performance at the expense of additional die space, have your compiler do automatic loop unrolling.

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