How to display coordinates of points in "contourf"?

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Ali Baig
Ali Baig 2018년 8월 6일
답변: Afshin Aghayan 2019년 10월 8일
I have three matrices, X, Y, and Z. I am creating a filled contour plot using the command
How can I display the coordinates of all points in the plot? I can use "Data Cursor" in figure environment to mark coordinates of points individually but this may take a lot of time depending on the number of points.
  댓글 수: 4
jonas 2018년 8월 6일
Still unclear. Do you want to overlay the contourf with a grid showing all coordinates, like [x1,y1]? All coordinates included?
Ali Baig
Ali Baig 2018년 8월 6일
Yes! this is exactly what I want to do. Thank you!

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채택된 답변

jonas 2018년 8월 6일
편집: jonas 2018년 8월 6일
It's going to look real messy when you have high resolution x and y data.
%%Some data
[~,c]=contourf(x,y,z);hold on
%%Create cell array with coordinates
C = reshape([x(:)'; y(:)'], [], 1)';
str(end) = [];
%%Plot labels
Or alternatively, with the undocumented sprintfc (courtesy Walter Roberson)
%%Same code as above, until:
  댓글 수: 4
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 8월 6일
sprintfc() might come in handy. Unfortunately it is undocumented.
jonas 2018년 8월 6일
편집: jonas 2018년 8월 6일
Managed to do it with sprintf, although it was a bit of a hassle. Will definitely look into sprinfc! Thanks

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추가 답변 (1개)

Afshin Aghayan
Afshin Aghayan 2019년 10월 8일
you can use this code for displaying any data in the form of [x, y, f(x,y)] or data with coordinate


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