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Help subsetting data from a .nc file

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Brian Bartlett
Brian Bartlett 2018년 7월 30일
I have a netcdf file, presenting lat and long as 182x149 matrices each, and then SST data presented as 182x149xtime, with time being number of days. I am trying to subset all three matrices to specific ranges (specifically lats between 8 and 40, and longs between 270 and 300). When i subset my lat and long, the results are 1 dimensional matrices of indices, and thus I cannot use them to in turn subset the SST data. Here's my current code to subset lat and long:
lat = ncread('tos_IPSL.nc', 'lat'); long = ncread('tos_IPSL.nc', 'lon'); %%Here matrices are 182x149
my_lat=find(lat>8 & lat<40); my_long=find(long>270 & long<300); lat_subset=lat(my_lat); long_subset=long(my_long); %%These are now 3638x1 for lat and 2243x1 for long
This unfortunately means I cannot use them to subset my SST files... any help would be greatly appreciated!

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