speed up the code

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tiki Tiki
Tiki Tiki 2018년 7월 23일
댓글: Jan 2018년 8월 3일
hi everyone.
can you help me speed up this code?
InputOverlap = magic(64)
SDR_Overlap = InputOverlap;
SDR = (zeros (64,64)) ;
Radius = 2;
InputOverlap = [InputOverlap(:,1:Radius) InputOverlap InputOverlap(:,end+1-Radius:end)];
InputOverlap = [InputOverlap(1:Radius,:) ; InputOverlap ; InputOverlap(end+1-Radius:end,:) ];
for r=1:64
for c=1:64
Neighbour= InputOverlap(r:r+2*Radius,c:c+2*Radius);
Kmax = max(Neighbour(:)) ;
if (SDR_Overlap(r,c)>0)&(SDR_Overlap(r,c)>= Kmax)
SDR(r,c) = 1;
SDR(r,c) = 0;
  댓글 수: 2
Jan 2018년 7월 23일
편집: Jan 2018년 7월 23일
Start with omitting:
SDR(r,c) = 0;
SDR is initialized to zero already.
The editor should show a hint that && is more efficient than &. Consider these MLint messages.
The main part of your code happens before the loop. Most of all displaying the magic matrix is slow. I guess, you want to measure the time inside the loop only, don't you?
Tiki Tiki
Tiki Tiki 2018년 7월 26일
Yes. My problem is time in the loop. I remove SDR(r,c) = 0 by setting it is zeros before loop.
But time consumes still high. How can I remove loop in this case?
Please help me. Thank.

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채택된 답변

Jan 2018년 7월 23일
This is slightly faster:
for r = 1:64
for c = 1:64
Neighbour = InputOverlap(r:r+2*Radius, c:c+2*Radius);
Kmax = max(Neighbour(:));
SDR(r,c) = (SDR_Overlap(r,c) >= Kmax);
Is the SDR_Overlap(r,c)>0 test useful?
  댓글 수: 2
Tiki Tiki
Tiki Tiki 2018년 7월 26일
Yes. it is a little faster. i also remove SDR_Overlap(r,c)>0. but this code still consume much time.
so i need optimze more. Can you help me how to remove loop in this case?
I have gpu. but dont undertand to use it.
Jan 2018년 8월 3일
Use movmax to replace the loops.
Does the padding of the input matrix belong to the problem? With movmax and 'EndPoints' set to 'shrink' you can omit the padding.
can you post some real input data? Especially the dimensions matter.

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