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Passing value from one function to another function in the same .m file

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Wong Wei Weng
Wong Wei Weng 2018년 7월 14일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
function Check_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
blah = get(handles.Option,'SelectedObject');
blah = get(blah,'String');
leaf1 = 'Parsley';
leaf2 = 'Coriander';
tf = strcmp(blah,leaf1);
tf2 = strcmp(blah,leaf2);
result1 = 'You are right, it is a parsley leaf';
result2 = 'You are right, it is a coriander leaf';
result3 = 'You are wrong, it is a parsley leaf';
result4 = 'You are wrong, it is a coriander leaf';
if (G <= 200 && tf == 1)
set(handles.text3, 'String', result1);
else if (G > 200 && tf1 == 1)
set(handles.text3, 'String', result2);
else if (G <= 200 && tf1 == 0)
set(handles.text3, 'String', result3);
else if (G > 200 && tf1 == 0)
set(handles.text3, 'String', result4);
function Upload_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[a, b]=uigetfile ({'*.*', 'All files'});
img=imread(fullfile ([b a]));
imshow (img, 'Parent', handles.QueryImage);
  댓글 수: 1
Stephen23 2018년 7월 14일
If you are using GUIDE then use guidata. If you are sensibly writing your own code then use nested functions. Both of these are explained in the documentation:

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