Why do I get the error ">> Mesh_generator; /bin/bash: /home/(...​)/iso2mesh​-master/bi​n/cgalsurf​.mexa64: Permission denied" and how can I fix it?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hello there, I want to work on a mesh generator called iso2mesh but its not working, giving me this error:
>> Mesh_generator /bin/bash: /home/(...)/iso2mesh-master/bin/cgalsurf.mexa64: Permission denied
I tried it at University and it worked just fine. Does anybody have an explanation for me? I thought maybe its because Matlab isnt runned with "sudo" but neither im doing that at University. Even if I try to it says:"Your username does not match the username in the license file."
I really hope somebody can help me out!

답변 (1개)

Ana 2021년 4월 16일
I had the same problem on a Unix server and solved it by giving execution permission to the files inside the "bin" folder of the iso2mesh package (using the chmod command).


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