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preparets error for using in narxnet

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
ZaidiN 2018년 7월 12일
편집: ZaidiN 2018년 7월 14일
Following error is encountered with preparets: [x,xi,ai,t]=preparets(net,inputs,{},targets); .... Error using preparets (line 105) Feedback and inputs have different numbers of timesteps.
My Code reads Inputs from a xlsx file and targets with another xlsx file.
filepath='Inputdata.xlsx'; X=xlsread(filepath); % reading the Input file with size 8461*53
filepath='Targetdata.xlsx'; Y=xlsread(filepath); % Reading the Target Input file size 1*53
inputs=num2cell(X,1); targets=num2cell(Y,1);
trainFcn='trainlm'; inputDelays=1:2; feedbackDelays=1:2; hiddenLayerSize=5;
  댓글 수: 1
ZaidiN 2018년 7월 14일
I have solved the problem using reshape and con2seq: That makes the input and target of same size!
u=X(200:500,:); y=T(200:500,:);
r1=length (u); c1=size(u,2); % Taking size of Input vector r2=length (y); c2=size(y,2); % Taking size of Target vector
u=reshape(u,c1,r1); %Making cell array of Input Matrix %u=num2cell(X,1); u=con2seq(u);
y=reshape(y,c2,r2); %Making cell array of Target matrix %y=num2cell(T,1); y=con2seq(y);

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답변 (1개)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2018년 7월 14일
Come on ...
Error using preparets (line 105) Feedback and inputs have different numbers of timesteps
So why don't you EXPLICITLY calculate the sizes ???????????????????
inputsize = size(inputs)
targetsize = size(targets)
Thank you for EXPLICITLY accepting my answer!
  댓글 수: 1
ZaidiN 2018년 7월 14일
편집: ZaidiN 2018년 7월 14일
Is it right to convert input of size (8461*53) to sequential vectors for narxnet training

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