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Plot Text - Index exceeds matrix dimensions

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Detox 2018년 6월 28일
댓글: Jan 2018년 6월 28일
I want to use a text that automatically adapts inside a for-loop in a loglog plot.
It basically needs to write the slope next to a triangle which I create but when I use the dimensions of the triangle as an orientation it throws an error saying "Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in convstudy1 (line 197)
text(x1,y1,'test','FontSize', 18);
The code I use looks like this:
strloc = (triang_y(1)-triang_y(2)); % y-coordinate for text
strtmp2 = triang_x(2)+10; % x-coordinate for text
x1 = [70 100]; %Vector for annotation
y1 = [strloc strloc]; %Vector for annotation
str = sprintf('m = %d',A);
text(x1,y1,str,'FontSize', 18);
Why does it not work? Am I missing something?

채택된 답변

Jan 2018년 6월 28일
I guess that you have redefined "text" as a variable. Check this using the debugger. Type this in the command window:
dbstop if error
Then run the code again. When it stops, check the symbol "text":
which text -all
What do you get as result? If it is a local variable, the inputs are interpreted as indices. The solution is not to use "text" as name of a variable.
  댓글 수: 2
Detox 2018년 6월 28일
편집: Detox 2018년 6월 28일
Wow, what an easy fix and I did not realize I defined text as a variable *facepalm*. Thanks a ton!
Jan 2018년 6월 28일
You are welcome. Your description of the problem was good.

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