How to Separte table data from html?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Bilal qureshi
Bilal qureshi 2018년 6월 6일
편집: Paolo 2018년 6월 6일
i am doing web reading using Http POST method with urlread function. how to separate html Table data from html?(str)

채택된 답변

Paolo 2018년 6월 6일
편집: Paolo 2018년 6월 6일
You should be using webread rather than urlread as stated in the documentation. You can use regexp to extract HTML elements from a HTML document. There are examples on how to do so on the regexp documentation page.
Use the following code to extract < table > elements.
ur = '';
str = webread(ur);
%Using urlread instead will give the same output.
%str = urlread(ur);
expression = '<(table).*?</\1>';
matches = regexp(str,expression,'match');
matches contains the two < table > elements in the HTML.

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