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contour plot not working because of duplicate value

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Samaneh Arzpeima
Samaneh Arzpeima 2018년 6월 4일
댓글: Samaneh Arzpeima 2018년 6월 6일
Hello Everybody
I have 3 vectors with 95000 rows. X, Y,and T(time of rupture). Now I need to draw contour using these 3 vectors.but it sounds there are duplicates data(an error message say so! I guess there might be some data with same X and Y ) . I would like to removes them before drawing contour plot. Can anyone help. Thank You for your time.

답변 (1개)

Varun Garg
Varun Garg 2018년 6월 4일
Hi Samaneh,
My understanding of your question is that for the vectors X and Y you want to find values which are common in both.
For that you can use
Example snippet:
x=[1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30];
y=[4 5 10 100 90 22 33];
[z ix iy]= intersect(x,y)
Hope my understanding was right. You can refer documentation here .
  댓글 수: 11
Varun Garg
Varun Garg 2018년 6월 5일
Okay. That's a bit better explanation. One more doubt If
Should they both hold true together for me to keep only i row and delete j,k.. Or any of (1) or (2) hold true, I should delete j,k.. from both X and Y?
Samaneh Arzpeima
Samaneh Arzpeima 2018년 6월 6일
Thamk you again
I just need one set of (x,y) to have one value of time or slip. for a point with coordinate lets say (x=2,y=3) if I have 3 value for time like
x y t
2 3 3
2 3 2
2 3 5
I want to keep point(2,3) with the lowest time, so I have to delete first and third row.

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