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Create a string variable with a value same as the name of an imported csv file

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
After importing a csv file I see that a variable 'textdata' has been created. It is identified by curly brackets. In row 1, column 1 is the information I want. Here's an example:
This is the name of the CSV file:
C:\Program Files\BOSE\Etienne\Data files\WW series_block tests\WW11cRH_29May2012.TXT
I want to create a variable as follows:
(Ideally I want to replace the underscore in the original name with a dash).
Thank you.

채택된 답변

Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2012년 5월 30일
name = 'C:\Program Files\BOSE\Etienne\Data files\WW series_block tests\WW11cRH_29May2012.TXT';
[path,n] = fileparts(name);
SampleDescrip = regexprep(n,'_','-');
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