Subscripted assignment between dissimilar structures and Error: The variable info in a parfor cannot be classified. I need educating!

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I am having difficulty trying to speed up code by using parfor and pre-defining variable dimensions. The original code looks something like this(abbreviated):
for i = 1 : num_files_in_folder
Flag = true;
foldername = files_in_folder(i).name;
info = dicominfo(foldername);
catch ME
Flag = false;
warning("Problem: dicominfo error.");
DB2(i,1) = "Bad DICOM File";
DB2(i,2) = foldername;
% rethrow(ME);
end %%try
When trying to speed it up with parfor I get the "cannot be classified" and other similar error messages.
Then I tried moving some of these temporary variables outside and making them an structured array. Note: I have ram to spare, even with a 8G ram disk. So big variable are not an issue yet.
  댓글 수: 2
Matt J
Matt J 2018년 4월 25일
편집: Matt J 2018년 4월 25일
I get the "cannot be classified" and other similar error messages.
Post them in their entirety please. Also post the complete loop. Do the messages reference any of the variables you've shown above? I can't see anything wrong with that code snippet.
Stephen23 2018년 4월 26일
Patrick Ford's "Answer" moved here:
OK, Matt - just trying to keep the text volume low. As an explanation: move_Dicom.m is the part I was attempting to improve with parfor.
DicomReadMatout.m is the full program - still need work writing out.
pfortestd.m is code I was trying to use to debug.
string2hash.m is a function called.
Thank you for the interest.

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채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 4월 26일
Here is a marginally cleaned up version that does not have the parfor errors, and which manages directories a little better. Untested.
You should double-check the line
ExamsInfo(i,:) = [{infx(i)},{thisfile}];
I do not understand why you would not use
ExamsInfo(i,:) = {infx(i), thisfile};
% Script to extract a specified Dicom series from the PET/CT data set
WarmFuzzy = 0;
data_folder = uigetdir;
files_in_folder = dir( fullfile(data_folder, '*.dcm'));
% Discard the current and root file descriptors
files_in_folder = files_in_folder( [files_in_folder.bytes] > 0);
filenames_in_folder = fullfile(data_folder, {});
num_files_in_folder = numel(filenamess_in_folder);
DB2 = strings([num_files_in_folder,2]);
dlu = dicomlookup('0008', '103E');
% I searched for a series descriptor called �docs�; You can change it to what you need.
% desired_series_descriptor = 'docs';
ExamsInfo = cell(num_files_in_folder,2);
Flag(1:num_files_in_folder) = true;
Flag1(1:num_files_in_folder) = true;
n = num_files_in_folder;
infx(1:10) = dicominfo(filenames_in_folder{1});
for i = 1:num_files_in_folder
infx(i) = dicominfo(filenames_in_folder{i});
str1(i) = infx(i).(dlu);
% foldername(1:num_files_in_folder) = ' ';
parfor i = 1 : num_files_in_folder
newDB2 = strings(1,2);
thisfile = filenames_in_folder{i};
infx(i) = dicominfo(thisfile);
catch ME
Flag(i) = false;
warning("Problem: dicominfo error.");
newDB2(1) = "Bad DICOM File";
newDB2(2) = thisfile;
% rethrow(ME);
end %%try
if (Flag(i))
Flag1(i) = true;
str1(i) = infx(i).(dlu);
catch ME
warning("No Series Discription");
newDB2(1) = "Nyet";
newDB2(2) = thisfile;
Flag1(i) = false;
end %%try
newDB2(1) = str1(i);
newDB2(2) = thisfile;
end %% if(Flag1)
% You can convert this section to a series of if statements to match multiple descriptors
% and get the file names for the specific files that you are interested in, and then read the data in
% using DICOM read
ExamsInfo(i,:) = [{infx(i)},{thisfile}];
end % if Flag
DB2(i,:) = newDB2;
% WarmFuzzy = WarmFuzzy +1;
% xt = sprintf('%d Interation\n', WarmFuzzy);
% disp(xt);
end %%parfor i = 1 : num_files_in_folder
disp("Done reading in the directory information");
% parsing the information - creating the database
Dicom_type = {'[GA-N_CTAC_60s] Rest Rb' '[NG_NAC_60s] Stress Rb' 'Cardiac-ldCT' '[NG_NAC_60s] Rest Rb' '[NG_CTAC_60s] Rest Rb' '[NG_CTAC_60s] Stress Rb' '[GA-N_CTAC_60s] Stress Rb'};
% N = size(DB2);
prime = 1033; % 61;
LTA = strings(prime,361);
ptr_lga(prime,361) = int16(0);
% test debug number double due to second run?
for i = 1:prime
ptr_lga(1,1) = 0;
nitem(1:prime) = int16(1);
hflag = true;
for i= 1:num_files_in_folder
Logical_Flag = (DB2(i,1) ~= "Bad DICOM File") && (DB2(i,1) ~= "Nyet") ...
&& convertCharsToStrings((ExamsInfo{i, 1}.AccessionNumber) ...
== convertCharsToStrings(ExamsInfo{1, 1}.AccessionNumber));
if (Logical_Flag)
if (hflag)
arr = convertStringsToChars(DB2(i,1));
hash = mod(string2hash(arr), prime)+1;
end %%if (hflag)
hflag = true;
switch LTA(hash,1)
case ""
LTA(hash,1)= DB2(i,1);
nitem(hash) = nitem(hash) + 1;
LTA(hash,nitem(hash)) = DB2(i,2);
% test if this is an image we need
lg2 = false;
lg = ( DB2(i,1) == Dicom_type);
for j = 1:7
lg2 = lg2 | lg(j);
if lg2
ptr_lga(hash,nitem(hash)) = int16(ExamsInfo{i,1}.InstanceNumber);
ptr_lga(hash,1) = ptr_lga(hash,1) +1;
case DB2(i,1)
nitem(hash) = nitem(hash) + 1;
LTA(hash,nitem(hash)) = DB2(i,2);
% test if this is an image we need
lg2 = false;
lg = ( DB2(i,1) == Dicom_type);
for j = 1:7
lg2 = lg2 | lg(j);
if lg2
ptr_lga(hash,nitem(hash)) = int16(ExamsInfo{i,1}.InstanceNumber);
ptr_lga(hash,1) = ptr_lga(hash,1) +1;
if ~(LTA(hash,1) == DB2(i,1))
hflag = false;
i = i-1;
hash = mod((hash+7),prime);
error('Unexpected event - Halting execution');
end % if ~(LTA(hash,1) == DB2(i,1))
end % switch LTA
end % if num_files_in_folder
Dicom_name = {"Rest_gated_AC" "StressNG_NAC" "Cardiac_CT" "Rest_NG_NAC" "Rest_NG_AC" "Stress_NG_AC" "Stress_gated_AC"};
hashtag(1:7) = int16(0);
Rand_Num_Name = string( int16(rand(1,1) * 50000));
for i=1:7
hashtag(i) = mod(string2hash(char(Dicom_type(i))), prime)+1;
while (Dicom_type(i) ~= LTA(hashtag(i)))
hashtag(i) = mod((hashtag(i)+7),prime);
end % while
slicex = dicomread(LTA(hashtag(i),2));
num_slices = ptr_lga(hashtag(i),1);
[x,y] = size(slicex);
Dimage = int16(zeros(num_slices,x,y));
for k = 1:num_slices
indx = ptr_lga(hashtag(i),(k+1));
Dimage(indx, 1:x,1:y) = dicomread(LTA(hashtag(i),(k+1)));
% Now write the file out
save(strcat(string(Dicom_name(i)),"_", Rand_Num_Name, ".mat"), 'Dimage')
IDt.PatientName = ExamsInfo{1, 1}.PatientName;
IDt.AccessionNumber = ExamsInfo{1, 1}.AccessionNumber;
IDt.StudyDate = ExamsInfo{1, 1}.StudyDate;
save(char(strcat("IDt", Rand_Num_Name, ".mat")), 'IDt')

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