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for loop for gradient nested within objective function of fmincon

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)

Dear all, I am trying to include for-loop to define gradient nested within objective function of fmincon as below. However, I am getting an error saying the number of elements for the gradient has to be 10. How can properly incorporate for-loop in the gradient nested in the objective function?

n = 10;
Q0 = 0;
x0 = zeros(n, 1) + 25;
p0 = 1;
I = 50;
p1 = 1.25;
A1 = -diag(ones(n, 1));
A2 = zeros(n/2, n);
for i = 1:n/2
    w = A2(i, :);
    j = 2*i;
    w(1:2:j) = 1;
    w(2:2:j) = -1;
    A2(i, :) = w;
A3 = zeros(n/2, n);
for i = 1:n/2
    w = A3(i, :);
    j = 2*i;
    w(j) = 1;
    A3(i, :) = w;
A12 = vertcat(A1, A2);
A = vertcat(A12, A3);
b = zeros(2*n, 1);
for i = 1:2*n
    if i <= n
        b(i) = 0;
    elseif i > n && i <= n + n/2
        b(i) = Q0;
    elseif i > n + n/2 && i <= n + n/2 + floor((n/2)/2) + 1
        b(i) = I/p0;
        b(i) = I/p1;
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = [];
ub = [];
options = optimoptions('fmincon','SpecifyObjectiveGradient',true);
sol = fmincon(@myobj,x0,A,b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, [], options);
function [f, g] = myobj(x)
global I
global p0
global p1
global n
q0 = x(2:2:n/2+1);
a0 = x(1:2:n/2+1);
c0 = ones(length(q0), 1).*I - q0.*p0;
u0= a0.^(1/2).*c0.^(1/2);
q1 = x(n/2+3:2:n);
a1 = x(n/2+2:2:n);
c1 = ones(length(q1), 1).*I - q1.*p1;
u1= a1.^(1/2).*c1.^(1/2);
f = -1*(sum(u0 + u1));
% if nargout > 1
%     g = -x;
% end
if nargout > 1
    g = [];
    for i = 1:n
        if mod(i,2)==0
            dx = -(1/2 * 1/sqrt(x(i)));
        elseif (mod(i,2) ~= 0) && (i <= n/2 + 1)
            dx = -(1/2 * (-p0)/sqrt((I  - p0*x(i))));
        elseif (mod(i,2) ~= 0) && (i > n/2 + 1)
            dx = -(1/2 * (-p1)/sqrt((I - p1*x(i))));
        g = [g;dx];

채택된 답변

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2018년 4월 20일

It looks to me as if your gradient should have 10 elements.

Did you declare all those variables global in the workspace? Maybe n isn't being passed. For more reliable ways to include extra parameters and avoid global variables, see Passing Extra Parameters.

Alan Weiss

MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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