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changing a number in calculation with if else or anything possible

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
amir khalighi
amir khalighi 2018년 4월 16일
댓글: amir khalighi 2018년 4월 19일
Hi all I wrote a code witch is attached , I calculate profit and then rewrite profit in main excel file(2.xls) I have 2 question: 1- I want to change profit to 'c' amount when it is less than 0 and if if it>=0 then profit=the amount witch we calculated before 2-I want to draw the diagram in excel based on 's'(as X) and 'profit'(as Y) how can I do it? thank you all

채택된 답변

KSSV 2018년 4월 19일
data=xlsread ('2') ;
k=data(1) ;
c=data(2) ;
s_no=length(data(:,2)) ;
s=data(2:s_no,2) ;
profit=s-k-c ;
% Change profit to c when < 0
profit(profit<0) = c ;
plot(s,profit) ;
xlabel('s') ;
ylabel('profit') ;

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