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Mean averaging separate rows using a certain section of each row.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tom 2012년 5월 24일
I need to taken a mean average of a certain section of a row of a vector - and I need to do that for every row - giving each row's mean average.
What I have is a <300000x17> vector and when the 17 rows are plotted separately they all level off at there own approximate value - maybe by about 40% along the x-axis. Right at the very right hand edge the values seem to do a weird peak so I want to avoid the very end too.
At the end of this I'd hopefully be left with 17 values only.
Any help would be much appreciated as always!
  댓글 수: 1
Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2012년 11월 2일
I need to taken a mean average of a certain section of a row of a vector - and I need to do that for every row - giving each row's mean average.
What I have is a 300000x17 vector and when the 17 rows are plotted separately they all level off at there own approximate value - maybe by about 40% along the x-axis. Right at the very right hand edge the values seem to do a weird peak so I want to avoid the very end too.
At the end of this I'd hopefully be left with 17 values only.
Any help would be much appreciated as always!

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Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2012년 5월 24일
Hi Tom, your example has 17 columns, not 17 rows. I'll assume you mean a 17x300000 matrix. It's not clear if the region for every row is the same, but I'll assume you want to take first 40% of each row, i.e., 120000 points. You can do the following:
mu = mean(x(:,1:120000),2)
This should be a good starting point.
  댓글 수: 3
Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2012년 5월 25일
Then you just need to switch the dimensions
mu = mean(x(1:120000,:),1)
You actually don't need that 1 in the end as the first dimension is the default dimension. I included it anyway to show the parallelism among the syntax.
Tom 2012년 5월 26일
That's great thanks Honlgei - I got it working well in the end. :)

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