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how to do mean of a column with a loop and excluding nans?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
tonyrodriguez 2018년 3월 16일
댓글: Birdman 2018년 3월 16일
so i have this large file that is contains nans randomly, its a 1140 X 1 matrix i want to do a for loop that excludes all the nans and do the mean of that can someone explain me how to do this?

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Birdman 2018년 3월 16일
편집: Birdman 2018년 3월 16일
You do not need a for loop. Matlab's mean function has an option of omitnan. You can use it as follows:
  댓글 수: 4
tonyrodriguez 2018년 3월 16일
that works thank you! .. but can you explain me what the res do? can you do without it? and just count? since in my class we have only used count... and perhaps do at the end mean(isnan(a(i)) ?
Birdman 2018년 3월 16일
res is used to sum up the variables that are not NaN, that is it. You need a variable to sum up the variables that are not NaN in a for loop, therefore you need it and cnt simply counts how many times that if statement is entered.

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