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Logical indexing: Find row in table by text in column

조회 수: 196 (최근 30일)
Moshe Flam
Moshe Flam 2018년 2월 6일
답변: Kristupas Karcemarskas 2022년 4월 17일
a = {'hi', 'bye'; 'don', 'tcry' };
t = array2table(a);
u = t(t.a1 == 'don', :); % error: Undefined operator '==' for cell
How do I do a logical search for the row where a1 is 'bye'?
If it was numbers, it would be easy:
b = [1,2 ; 3,4];
q = array2table(b);
r = q(b1 == 3, :); # works perfectly
OK I found one way: Use string().
g = t(string(t.a1)=="don", :); % works! ;-)
Are there other ways, better ways, nicer ways?
  댓글 수: 1
Stephen23 2018년 2월 6일
편집: Stephen23 2018년 2월 6일
"Are there other ways, better ways, nicer ways?"
Yes: use strcmp, strcmpi, etc. Do not use == for testing for string/character array equivalence.

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채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2018년 2월 6일
To compare strings use the strcmp (link) or strcmpi function:
u = t(strcmp(t.a1, 'don'), :);
u =
1×2 table
a1 a2
_____ ______
'don' 'tcry'
  댓글 수: 2
KAE 2019년 6월 20일
Just another way to use Star Strider's solution. If you want the index to the row containing your desired value,
iRow = find(strcmp(t.a1, 'don')==1);
Guillaume 2019년 6월 21일
Note that beginners tend to use find more than they should, you typically see:
indices = find(somearray == somevalue);
result = somerarray(indices);
where find wasn't needed at all and was just a waste of time:
isfound = somearray == somevalue;
result = somearray(isfound);
It's actually rare that you do need the indices.

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추가 답변 (4개)

Guillaume 2018년 2월 6일
편집: Guillaume 2018년 2월 6일
Comparison of char arrays is always done with strcmp, never with ==. Thus:
u = t(strcmp(t.a1, 'don'), :)
The string class introduced in r2016b overloads == so that it can be used for comparison , so converting the char arrays to strings is indeed another solution.

Kristupas Karcemarskas
Kristupas Karcemarskas 2022년 4월 17일
I found that it is really easy to use categorise() function
for example:

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2018년 2월 7일
Two other things worth considering:
1) if {'hi', 'bye'; 'don', 'tcry'} are always unique, consider making them row names. Then t('don', :) is what you would use.
2) If {'hi', 'bye'; 'don', 'tcry'} could be a large list of repeated values, consider making them a categorical vector. Then u = t(t.a1 == 'don', :) is what you would use.
But even if those are not an option, if you are using R2016b or later, consider using a string array instead of a cellstr, as Guillaume says.
  댓글 수: 2
Moshe Flam
Moshe Flam 2018년 2월 11일
1) Could you edit your answer and show how to make them row names?
2) Could you edit your answer and show how to make 'hi' and 'don' a categorical vector?
And in case 2 - two questions:
2a. Will I not get the same as I had with my original question? Reminder
u = t(t.a1 == 'don', :); % error: Undefined operator '==' for cell
2b. Will it be correct to use t.a1 == 'don' or should I use strcmp here too?
3. Just a last remark: Guillaume confirmed what I said and explained when and why it was made to work, but did not suggest it.
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2018년 2월 12일
To make them row names, it's just
r.Properties.RowNames = t.a1;
t.a1 = []; % delete the original variable
but if the data are coming from a file you may well be able to read them in as row names. See the doc for readtable.
To make a categorical, it's just
t.a1 = categorical(t.a1)
but you will probably want to look over the documentation for categorical arrays. Once t.a1 is categorical, you can use ==. It's not the main reason for using categoricals, but it's a convenience (one that string also provides).

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Gabor 2021년 3월 3일
b = [1,2 ; 3,4];
q = array2table(b);
r = q(b1 == 3, :);
Unrecognized function or variable 'b1'.
  댓글 수: 1
Gabor 2021년 3월 3일
b = [1,2 ; 3,4];
q = array2table(b);
r = q(q.b1 == 3, :);
This is how it works

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