Sscanf /sprintf usage

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Eric 2012년 5월 11일
So, apparently I don't understand very basic I/O....can somebody help me?
if num=343.1; str=sprintf('%10.3f',num); numdata=sscanf(str,'%10.3f'); why does numdata ~= num ???
Now, I can make it work by simply saying: numdata=sscanf(str,'%f'); then numdata=num;
But, I would like to use the former formatted sscanf to check the formatting of an input file...

채택된 답변

Sarah Wait Zaranek
Sarah Wait Zaranek 2012년 5월 11일
I think this is your issue --
From doc for sscan - "Format specifiers for the reading functions sscanf and fscanf differ from the formats for the writing functions sprintf and fprintf. The reading functions do not support a precision field. The width field specifies a minimum for writing but a maximum for reading"
This code would work:

추가 답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 5월 11일


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