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How to save the read(load) data in spirited files?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Chuanjung Lin
Chuanjung Lin 2018년 1월 25일
댓글: Sumeet Gadagkar 2018년 2월 5일
Good day everyone,
I try to read(load) multiple files into matlab, and the code as following:
clear all;
[FileName, PathName] = uigetfile({'*.xlsm'},'Pick a file','MultiSelect', 'on');
str = [FileName PathName];
FileName = fullfile(PathName,FileName);
for i=1:length(FileName)
[~, ~, raw] = xlsread(FileName{i},'0');
raw = raw(262:end,[2,7]);
Name{i} = reshape([raw{:}],size(raw));
clearvars raw;
I named the new file name is "Na
me", and in my workspace it shows the result as the attached figure. Who can help me to correct the code? thank you.
  댓글 수: 1
Sumeet Gadagkar
Sumeet Gadagkar 2018년 2월 5일
Hey, can you attach some example files which reflect the structure of the data you are working with? Also, can you be more specific on what format the output needs to be in?

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