Fixed point (matematice)

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Cillian 2012년 5월 7일
I have attempt to code a fixed point in MATLAB. But I don't know if this correct, but I think it works.
function sol=fixpunkt(g,x0,tol)
while norm(xold-xnew)>tol
xnew = xnew
xnew=g(x0) ;
When I tried fixpunkt(1,1,5) in the command window, MATLAB works 'busy' for a long long time, I guess it is the while loop doing that,
I would be happy if someone can give a opinion about this.
Regards Cillian

채택된 답변

Richard Brown
Richard Brown 2012년 5월 7일
xold never gets updated, so xnew gets set to the same value every iteration, and the loop never ends ...

추가 답변 (1개)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer 2012년 5월 7일
and in addition to Richards observation: it's always not a bad idea to do something like
iter = 0;
maxIter = 50;
while norm(xold-xnew)>tol && iter<maxIter
% do fix point iteration here,
% then:
iter = iter + 1;


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