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필터 지우기

How to extract and display pure watermarked image along with the fragile watermark image from the code given below?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
% function [ MarkedImg, quant_block_traces] = AddFragileWatermark( InImg, WatermarkBinaryImg )
% Add Fragile watermark (Image Authentication)
% The size of the InImg and WatermarkBinaryImg are equal.
% WatermarkBinaryImg is a bianry image(i.e. all the elements are 255 or 0)
InImg = double(InImg);
WatermarkBinaryImg = double(WatermarkBinaryImg./255);
% Block Size
block_size = [4, 4];
InImg_size = size(InImg);
block_num = InImg_size ./ block_size;
% Block-based Scrambling transformation
% for 128 * 128 blocks, 96 is the period number
InImg_Scr = ImgBlockArnold( InImg, 30, block_size);
% First, Zero the LSB, get the InImg_zerolsb
InImg_zerolsb = ZeroBits( double(InImg_Scr), 1 );
% Blcoked the InImg_zerolsb, get the block data
InImg_zerolsb_blocked = cell(block_num);
[InImg_zerolsb_blocked ] = imageBlocked( InImg_zerolsb, block_size );
% Calculate the SVD's matrix S's trace of each block data
quant_block_traces = zeros(block_num);
block_traces = zeros(block_num);
for i = 1 : block_num(1)
for j = 1 : block_num(2)
block_data = cell2mat( InImg_zerolsb_blocked(i, j) );
% SVD trace
[U S V] = svd(double(block_data));
block_traces(i, j) = trace(S);
% round to [0 1023]
quant_block_traces(i, j) = floor( mod( block_traces(i, j), 1024));
% Get the LSB of the original image
[InImg_bitplanes] = BitsPlanes(InImg_Scr);
InImg_LSB = InImg_bitplanes(:, :, 8);
% Divide the LSB into small blocks
block_LSB = cell(block_num);
block_LSB = mat2cell( InImg_LSB, ones(block_num(1), 1) * block_size(1), ones(block_num(2), 1) * block_size(2) );
% Generate the watermarked LSB with block_LSB and block_traces
[ LSB_marked_original, total_mean_traces, quant_mean_trace ] = handleLSB( InImg_zerolsb_blocked, block_LSB, quant_block_traces );
LSB_marked = bitxor( LSB_marked_original, WatermarkBinaryImg );
% Replacing LSB upon the original image generate the watermarked image
MarkedImg = replaceLSB( InImg_Scr, LSB_marked );
% Block-based Scrambling transformation
% for 128 * 128 blocks, 96 is the period number
MarkedImg = ImgBlockArnold( MarkedImg, 66, block_size);
k=psnr( InImg, MarkedImg )
% end
  댓글 수: 3

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답변 (2개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018년 1월 6일
I see imshow() in that code. Go here to fix the formatting so people can read it. imshow() is how I display images, so I think you're on the right track using that function.
Actually I'm not sure why you asked since you clearly already know how to display images. Anyway, good luck.

Wanjun LIU
Wanjun LIU 2018년 1월 12일
I've seen your block encryption, if the carrier image by a large area of shear attack, the scramble ineffective

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