txt eeg database load

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Margareta Drozdikova
Margareta Drozdikova 2017년 12월 26일
댓글: kirti RAWAL 2020년 4월 2일
Hi, where can I found eeg signals in txt file? I have a lot of signals in edf, but I need in txt too, but I cant find it and next problem I can create txt file from mat file , and when I need to load this txt file it doesnt work well I wrote this Data = load('eeg_19.mat'); mdmd=struct(Data); DataField = fieldnames(mdmd); dlmwrite('EEG2databaza.txt', Data.(DataField{1})); fid=fopen('EEG2databaza.txt','r') subor=fread(fid); subor=subor'; countChannel=19; fs=128; length of subor is not equal to lentgh of origin file eeg_19 I dont know where I do mistake
  댓글 수: 1
kirti RAWAL
kirti RAWAL 2020년 4월 2일
try the function edfread available on matlab.It would be helful

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