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error in netcdf file (vardata = ncObj.read(varName, varargin{:});) worked earlier.

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Madan Kumar
Madan Kumar 2017년 12월 18일
댓글: shobhit pipil 2019년 1월 27일
Hi, I have written a code to read data from .nc file. Some days earlier it was fine. However, suddenly it is showing following errors. I also tried re-writing the code using online help but no success. My code is simple.
files = dir('*.nc');
numfiles = length(files);
nc = cell(1, numfiles);
for k=1:numfiles;
nc= netcdf.open(files(k).name);
There are also other lines but I am getting error from 1st line. The error is as follows,
Error using internal.matlab.imagesci.nc/getGroupAndVarid (line 2076)
Could not find variable or group 'tpaltitude_top' in file.
Error in internal.matlab.imagesci.nc/read (line 594)
[gid, varid] = getGroupAndVarid(this, location);
Error in ncread (line 59)
vardata = ncObj.read(varName, varargin{:});
Error in column_brightness_plot (line 11)
I have checked using ncdisp('') that 'tpaltitude_top" does exist in .nc files. Need help. Thanks in advance.
  댓글 수: 9
Madan Kumar
Madan Kumar 2017년 12월 18일
Thank you so much. Now I sorted it out. I apologise. A .nc file from another satellite was also there in the same directory that was creating problem. I removed it by checking manually. I was in trouble for last 3 days. Thank you much.
shobhit pipil
shobhit pipil 2019년 1월 27일
Madan kumar would you please check my code for the same error.

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