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How to use fitcsvm in matlab classifications Brain tumor Mr image?(Benign,Malignant)

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
load egitimseti.mat xdata = meas; group = label;
%svmStruct1 = svmtrain(xdata,group,'kernel_function', 'linear');
%Train the SVM Classifier
SVMModel= fitcsvm(meas,group,'KernelFunction','rbf','BoxConstraint',Inf);
sv = SVMModel.SupportVectors;
hold on
legend('MALIGNANT','BENIGN','Support Vector')
hold off
%species = svmclassify(svmStruct1,feat,'showplot',false
%x = fitcdiscr(xdata,group); label= predict(SVMModel,xdata);
%data1 = [meas(:,1),meas(:,2)]; %newfeat = [feat(:,1),feat(:,2)];
%close all
%SVMModel2=fitcsvm(data1,group); %label2=predict(SVMModel2,newfeat);
%En yüksek doğruluk(accurasy) icin trainset
data = meas; groups = ismember(label,'BENIGN'); groups = ismember(label,'MALIGNANT'); [train,test] = crossvalind('HoldOut',groups);%test ve egitim icin veriler karıstırıldı.0 ve 1 cp = classperf(groups);
%svmStruct = svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',false,'kernel_function','linear');%yapi olustu%r %classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,data(test,:),'showplot',false);%svm ile sınıflandır SVMModelson=fitcsvm(data(train,:),groups(train)); class=predict(SVMModelson,data(test,:));
indicies = crossvalind('Kfold',label,10); cp = classperf(label);%for ;
%svmStruct = svmtrain(xdata(train,:),group(train),'boxconstraint',Inf,'showplot',false,'kernel_function','rbf');
%classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,xdata(test,:),'showplot',false);
%çapraz geçerlilik sonucu
Accuracy = cp.CorrectRate*100; sprintf("Dogruluk oranı %d dir",Accuracy);
  댓글 수: 5
lamis ke
lamis ke 2020년 8월 7일
same question how to create load egitimseti.mat xdata = meas; group = label;
Saad Rana
Saad Rana 2022년 6월 24일
The code gives an error for
load egitimseti.mat
xdata = meas;
group = label;
can you help me to create .mat file?

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답변 (1개)

Bernhard Suhm
Bernhard Suhm 2017년 12월 20일
Can you illustrate what your data looks like, and where you get what type of error? And which release of MATLAB are you using? Looks like you were on an old release at first, since svmtrain has long been depracated.
  댓글 수: 2
Ahmet Gürbüz
Ahmet Gürbüz 2017년 12월 20일
the training set consists of 20 rows and 4 columns o meas = 4 features for good and malignant 20 tumors

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