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Undefined function or variable 'm'

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
cory loob
cory loob 2017년 11월 29일
댓글: Stephen23 2017년 11월 29일
Good evening, I am a fairly new matlab user and am trying to run ode45 to output a graph of a change in theta over time. I am using a friends code as a template and can't figure out where I am going wrong. I appreciate the help that anyone can offer. For context, the problem is of someone rappelling from a helicopter, and I want to graph the change in theta with different values for mass, wind force (Fw), and Length.
global Fw, m, g, L
R2D= 180/pi;
m= 97; % mass of soldier [Kg]
L= -5; % Length of soldier on rope (relative to helicopter)
g= 9.81; % gravity in m/s^2
dt=.01; % step size for time
tspan= 0:dt:tf;
the= 1*(pi/180); %initial angle in degrees
y0=[0, 0, the, 0];
[t,x]= ode45(@AA,tspan,y0);
title('Pendulum angle over time')
xlabel('Time [s]')
ylabel('\theta [deg]')
[n,m] = size(t);
W = -m*g.*ones(n,1);
function dxdt = AA(t,x)
global g L m Fw
dxdt = zeros(2,1);
dxdt(1) = x(2);
dxdt(2) = (Fw*cos(x(1)))/(m*L)-(g/L)*sin(x(1));

답변 (2개)

KSSV 2017년 11월 29일
Replace line:
global Fw, m, g, L
with :
global Fw m g L
don't use commas.
  댓글 수: 7
KSSV 2017년 11월 29일
Stephen23 2017년 11월 29일
And don't use globals. Search this forum to know why.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

Chafik Zerrouki
Chafik Zerrouki 2017년 11월 29일
Hello Cory,
Read the documentation of 'global'. Don't put comma and it will work (line 1).
global Fw m g L


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