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Can I save UIAxes plot in anyway?

조회 수: 17 (최근 30일)
Ahmed Salih
Ahmed Salih 2017년 11월 23일
댓글: farzad 2020년 4월 2일
How do I save a plot I made with UIAxes, ie. NOT with figure - I tried print but it didn't work and I don't understand why. Is there ANYWAY to save a UIAxes plot?
My question is about Appdesigner.
  댓글 수: 3
shahram maghami
shahram maghami 2019년 3월 24일
no solution yet ?
I've same problem.
farzad 2020년 4월 2일
did you manage finally ? which one worked for you ?

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채택된 답변

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 3월 24일
편집: Adam Danz 2019년 10월 24일
Update: Try using copyUIAxes() from the file exchange.
[original post below]
There's no way to directly save the 'figure' produced by UIAxes in app designer (bummer). An alternative would have been to copy the UIAxes onto a new figure using copyobj(axHand, figHand) which works with axes developed in guide() but that functionality is not supported with UIAxes from app designer (double bummer).
A workaround is, from within your app,
  1. Create a new figure and new axes
  2. Copy the UIAxes children on to the new axes
  3. Copy most of the UIAxes properties over to the new axes
Some axes properties are read-only so we can't copy those over to the new axes. Also, there are some axes properties that you don't want to copy over such as parent, children, X/Y/ZAxis, which will cause errors. In addition to those, you'll see in the code below where I added the "Position" and "OuterPosition" properties to the list of properties not to copy. In your app, the axes are probably small and if you want your new axes to also be the same size, you could remove the two position properties from the 'badFields' list.
% Create new figure and new axes
axNew = axes;
% Copy all objects from UIAxes to new axis
copyobj(app.UIAxes.Children, axNew)
% Save all parameters of the UIAxes
uiAxParams = get(app.UIAxes);
uiAxParamNames = fieldnames(uiAxParams);
% Get list of editable params in new axis
editableParams = fieldnames(set(axNew));
% Remove the UIAxes params that aren't editable in the new axes (add others you don't want)
badFields = uiAxParamNames(~ismember(uiAxParamNames, editableParams));
badFields = [badFields; 'Parent'; 'Children'; 'XAxis'; 'YAxis'; 'ZAxis';'Position';'OuterPosition'];
uiAxGoodParams = rmfield(uiAxParams,badFields);
% set editable params on new axes
set(axNew, uiAxGoodParams)
For trouble shooting, or to loop through each property rather then setting them all at once, replace the last line of the code above with this for-loop below which indicates the property being edited in the command window.
% Set new axis params
allf = fieldnames(uiAxGoodParams);
for i = 1:length(allf)
fprintf('Property #%d: %s\n', i, allf{i});
set(axNew, allf{i}, uiAxGoodParams.(allf{i}))
One alternative worth mentioning: Instead of your app hosting the axes, you could program your app to plot the data onto an external figure and then you wouldn't have this problem.
  댓글 수: 7
Rohit Deshmukh
Rohit Deshmukh 2020년 3월 11일
i am getting this error in this line set(axNew, uiAxGoodParams);
Error using matlab.graphics.axis.Axes/set
Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the second element is larger than the first and may be Inf
It works well when XAxisTickTabels are 1,2,3,4... but gives an error when XAxisTickLabels are {'Clipping' } {'NextPlot' } {'Toolbar' } {'Interactions' }
Please guide.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Will Grant
Will Grant 2019년 5월 2일
편집: Will Grant 2019년 5월 2일
Inspired by Adam's answer, here is a function you can call directly with slightly enhanced functionality.
Note the addition of calling copyobj() with the title and label objects, and removing them from the set() when transfering property values. Adam's original code re-parents the title and label objects to the new axes. The label objects are still located under the original axes, but their respective label.Parent property is set to axTo, a fairly useless situation.
function myCopyObj(axFrom, axTo)
% Custom version of copyobj() which works to copy a UIAxes object to
% an old-school axes object.
% Copy children (lines).
copyobj(axFrom.Children, axTo);
% Copy titles and labels.
copyobj([axFrom.Title axFrom.XLabel axFrom.YLabel], axTo)
% Transfer other properties.
uiAxParams = get(axFrom);
uiAxParamNames = fieldnames(uiAxParams);
% Get list of editable params in new axis
editableParams = fieldnames(set(axTo));
% Remove the UIAxes params that aren't editable in the new axes (add others you don't want)
badFields = uiAxParamNames(~ismember(uiAxParamNames, editableParams));
badFields = [badFields; 'Parent'; 'Children'; 'XAxis'; 'YAxis'; 'ZAxis'; ...
'Position'; 'OuterPosition'; 'XLabel'; 'YLabel'; 'ZLabel'; 'Title'];
uiAxGoodParams = rmfield(uiAxParams,badFields);
% set editable params on new axes
set(axTo, uiAxGoodParams)
To use:
% Define figure and axes to specifications.
f = figure('Visible', false);
axNew = axes(f);
% Copy.
myCopyObj(origUIAxesHandle, axNew);
% Print!
print(f, filePath);
  댓글 수: 3
Namwon Kim
Namwon Kim 2019년 8월 20일
편집: Namwon Kim 2019년 8월 20일
Thanks for your answer, and the code works very well.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 8월 20일
I would add on small feature at the top of the function. If the "axTo" is not provided, it should be created within the function. That saves the user from creating the axes if the axes is just a simple, standard axes.
This would go at the top of the function.
% Generate new axes if 2nd input is missing or empty.
if nargin < 2 || isempty(axTo)
fh = figure();
axTo = axes(fh);

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