ode error

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Taniadi 2012년 4월 27일
Hi all, i want to ask about my M-File. I cant run this code i made
function dGdW = PBR(W,Y)
global yao Fk0 Q0 T0 Dp miu G P0 A rhog0 rhoCat phi
%dGdW = zeros(3,1);
X = Y(1); % conversion
T = Y(2); % temperature
y = Y(3); % P/Po
... (another script)
dGdW = [-rate/Fao
i'm running that in one m-file using this :
[w,Y] = ode23s(@PBR,[0 37.5],[0 450 1])
when i run, i get this error code:
"Solving PBR requires an initial condition vector of length 3."
Why is that error occurs? I have no idea why that error occurs, because I think I have enter correct initial conditions.
Thanks for help

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Jan 2012년 4월 28일
I do not see the error in the posted code. I suggest to use the debugger to find out more:
dbstop if error
Then inspect the current values of the variables and the caller stack.
  댓글 수: 1
Taniadi 2012년 5월 3일
thanks for the advice :) . I have found the errors. It is because I forgot to global variables i used in second functions. So it gave third output error.

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