how can I run MuPAD from MATLAB Editor?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Talal 2012년 4월 26일
how can I run MuPAD from MATLAB Editor?

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 4월 26일
You cannot run MuPAD from the editor.
MuPAD is the name of the software behind the Symbolic Toolbox. To get anywhere with MuPAD, you need to have the Symbolic Toolbox installed and licensed. The Symbolic Toolbox is included in the license for the Student Edition, but not for the Academic or commercial edition.
You can create a MuPAD notebook (interactive session) by using the command mupad
If you use a MATLAB command that calls upon the MuPAD software (such as "syms" or "solve") then MATLAB will automatically attempted to start MuPAD, and you will not need to do anything to use those commands.
You can use the MATLAB interface to MuPAD by typing commands at the MATLAB command line, or in scripts or in functions.
  댓글 수: 4
Talal 2012년 4월 26일
I tried using plot3 in Matlab to get the correct graphical representation with no success, however in MuPAD it was straight forward and easy using plot(plot::Line3d. Then I got stuck in writing a code in matlab that will use my variables to draw the 3d plot in MuPAD and display it.
Thanks for your attention
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 4월 27일
What difficulties did you encounter when you tried to use plot3() in MATLAB itself?

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