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Indexing exceeds matrix dimensions - error on 2 lines of code

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Elaine Brewer
Elaine Brewer 2017년 11월 13일
댓글: Image Analyst 2017년 11월 14일
I keep getting an error on lines 54 & 55 (where I calculate dCc and Cc). Code is to do Holly-Preissmann method of river modeling (2 loops, time and space).
%clear workspace
%define variables
xmin = 0; %given
xmax = 2; %placeholder
N = 100; %grid nodes
dt = 0.009; %time step (smaller is better for precision)
t = 0; %given
Tmax = 0.5; %placeholder
v = 1; %velocity placeholder
s = .05; %from boundary condition equation
%function domain
dx = (xmax - xmin)/N;
x = xmin-dx : dx : xmax+dx;
%initial conditions
c0 = 10*exp(-(x-.5).^2/(2*s^2)); %boundary condition
%c = c0;
dC = 0;
C = c0;
dCc = 0;
Cc = 0;
%calculate loop through time
nsteps = Tmax/dt;
for n = 1 : nsteps
%calculate boundary
% dC(1) = dC(3);
C(1) = C(3);
% dC(N+3) = dC(N+1);
C(N+3) = C(N+1);
for i = 2 : N+2
%calculate loop through space
nsteps = N;
for n = 1 : nsteps
for j = 2 : N+2
c = x(j) - v*dt;
r = (x(j) - c)/dx;
a1 = (r^2)*(3 - 2*r);
a2 = 1 - a1;
a3 = (r^2)*(1 - r)*dx;
a4 = -r*((1-r)^2)*dx;
b1 = 6*r*(r-1)/dx;
b2 = -b1;
b3 = r*(3*r-2);
b4 = (1-r)*(3*r-1);
dCc(j) = b1*C(j-1) + b2*C(j) - b3*dC(j-1) + b4*dC(j); %error here
Cc = a1*C(j-1) + a2*C(j) + a3*dC(j-1) + a4*dC(j); %error here
%update new x and C for step
x = x + dx;
dC = dCc;
C = Cc;
%update new t for step
t = t + dt;
%calculate exact solution
exact = 10*exp(-(x-.5-(v*t)).^2/(2*s^2)); %exact solution
%plot both exact and initial solution
hold on
hold off
axis([xmin xmax -0.5 10]) %sets axis min and max
xlabel('x','fontsize',14) %x axis label, set font size
ylabel('C(t,x)','fontsize',14) %y axis label, set font size
title(sprintf('time = %1.3f',t),'fontsize',14) %shows time for distance x
  댓글 수: 1
Jan 2017년 11월 13일
편집: Jan 2017년 11월 13일
Please do not let us guess, which are the lines 54 and 55 and how you can have errors in 2 lines, although Matlab will stop at the first error already. Post the error message instead, such that we do not have to guess the details. If you use the "{} Code" button, the code would be readable. I really really really cannot understand, how so many users post unreadable code and simply do not care about this. It should be your interest to provide readable code. Weird.

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답변 (1개)

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2017년 11월 13일
I see one error. In the two lines where an error occurs you are referencing dC(j) where j = 2 on the first trip through the surrounding loop. However, dC has been defined as a scalar, dC = 0, so dC(2) is not defined. Hence the error message. You need to somehow define dC for all indices from 1 to nsteps.
  댓글 수: 2
Elaine Brewer
Elaine Brewer 2017년 11월 14일
Thanks. This got me part of the way there. Then I had written an extra loop. Still doing a weird oscillation but getting closer.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 11월 14일
If you're still getting errors, please post ALL the red text.

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