How to avoid error calculation going to infinity when dividing by near-zero values?

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
I am calculating the relative error between two signals using the next equation:
relative_error(i) = abs((measured(i)-estimated(i))./measured(i))*100;
The problem arises when measured is zero or near zero that relative_error explodes.
Do you know a more appropriated way of calculating an error between two signals that avoids this problem?

답변 (1개)

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2017년 10월 24일
There are several ways to handle this, for example, you can add one more line to set all those points to a predefined value
relative_error(i) = abs((measured(i)-estimated(i))./measured(i))*100;
relative_error(measured==0) = 1; % say predefined value is 1
Or just add an epsilon to avoid this issue
epsilon = 1e-8;
relative_error(i) = abs((measured(i)-estimated(i))./(measured(i)+epsilon))*100;


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