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why is the green graph (pco2) not coming in the complete range of x-axis? However it is covering the complete range. i have used plotyyy function to create multi y axis plot.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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abishek dixit
abishek dixit 2017년 10월 20일
...Just length() being same does NOT eliminate the possibility of NaN values.
Thanks for the information. But the recommended function also tells that there are not NaNs are present in the data.
_ W/o the data there's little more we can do
the data https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tdLh7QbFc2-7j4J3Ixu0FjOq1ktEutneMxRJIvRH6j8/edit?usp=sharing
dpb 2017년 10월 20일
편집: dpb 2017년 10월 20일
OK, data isn't the issue...see Answer once noticed the non-standard function...but when using the forum, attach data here; don't ask folks to go somewhere else when all the tools are here in one spot.

답변 (1개)

dpb 2017년 10월 20일
편집: dpb 2017년 10월 20일
Oh; my eyes missed the third 'y' in plotyyy; that must be a FEX submittal.
The problem isn't the y data, it's that you haven't set all three axes to the same range and labelling with datetick and/or xlim to make them match up. Which is the target of the one datetick call is whichever was that returned by gca at the time; you need to pass the axes handles array to it...
Probably best practice would be you also use linkaxes to link the three x-axes so they will remain in concert automagically...see
doc linkaxes % for details there.

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