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RegionProps Major / Minor axis determination Problem

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Jason 2017년 9월 14일
댓글: Jason 2017년 9월 14일
Hi, I am getting a strange result using regionprops. I have an image that I have the locations of the centroids (x1,y2) and my aim is to determine the elipticity somehow. I am using the major and minor length as my first approach, via regionprops.
So I create a binary image knowing the centroids and dilate
%Create Binary image from the already found centroid locations (x1,y1)
binary = false(size(IM));
binary(sub2ind(size(IM), round(y1), round(x1))) = true;
%Dilate slighlty
se = strel('disk',n); %2 = default
subplot(1,3,2); imshow(binary); title('Binary Image')
label = bwlabel(binary); %// label each object
s = regionprops(label, double(IM),'WeightedCentroid', 'Area','Orientation', 'MajorAxisLength', ...
'MinorAxisLength', 'Eccentricity','MeanIntensity');
centroids = cat(1, s.WeightedCentroid);
x1=centroids(:,1); y1=centroids(:,2); %Use these weighted centroids now rather the first guess x1,y1.
hold on; plot(x1,y1,'r.')
%Now get major and minor lengths.
for k = 1:length(s)
a(k,1) = s(k).MajorAxisLength/2;
b(k,1) = s(k).MinorAxisLength/2;
[a(:) b(:)] %Display in column form
But this is where something is going wrong - they are all the same value, here are the values reported:
ans =
7.6905 7.6905
7.6905 7.6905
7.6905 7.6905
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답변 (2개)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2017년 9월 14일
To my eyes, your binary image and your raw image don't look the same. The objects in the binary image look circular, while the objects in your raw image do look more elliptical. That's because of the way you created the binary image. You set one pixel in the binary image for each object, then you dilated with a disk.
For each of the points in the binary image, when you dilate you move the center of the disk around the "perimeter" of the point. What you receive from that operation is the circular disk itself. A circle is an ellipse with both focal points in the same place and in that case the semi-major axis and the semi-minor axis are both radii of the circle. Since they're both radii of the circle they must have the same length.
So the results you receive seem correct for the image on which you're computing, but the image on which you're computing is not representative of your real data.
  댓글 수: 3
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2017년 9월 14일
So in the documentation for regionprops you're using the "stats = regionprops(_,I,properties)" syntax? Look at the matrix label that you pass into regionprops as the first input. I suspect that the labeled areas as exactly those circular regions you created by dilation.
Ah, I think I understand where you may be confused. You were expecting MATLAB to look at regions in the original image that contain the labeled sections plus any elements connected to them, so the circular disks would identify but not be the full extent of the regions on which regionprops would act?
I don't believe that's how it works. I believe if an element is not in any labeled region in that first input, regionprops ignores it even if it's adjacent to an element that is in a labeled region. Close doesn't count.
I think what you want instead is the series of steps in this example from the Image Processing Toolbox documentation.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 9월 14일
You already had a binary image with elliptical blobs - that's how you got the centroids, right? So just use that. In fact, you can get the centroids, weighted centroids, and eccentricity all in the same call:
props = regionprops(labeledImage, 'Centroid', 'WeightedCentroid', 'Eccentricity');
No need to do that other stuff you did with dilation. Not only is it wrong, but it's unnecessary.
  댓글 수: 9
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 9월 14일
I don't want an ascii version. I'd have to write code to read it and turn it into an image. A tiff or PNG file is preferred. Or even jpg if it's not too compressed/corrupted.
Jason 2017년 9월 14일
OK understood, did the zipped up tiff work?

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