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Can't get the code into the for loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
George Ansari
George Ansari 2017년 8월 7일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
Dear all, Please help me to get the attached code into the for loop. The code must run for j=1:length(Pd). Two variables are varying with every 'j' - Pd(j) and no_units(j). Of course the sizes of Pd and no_units are the same. I'm able to run it in a for loop for different Pd, but it doesn't work when I include no_units.
Many thanks, George.
  댓글 수: 5
George Ansari
George Ansari 2017년 8월 8일
Kevin, yes, I suppose it should be that way.
KL 2017년 8월 8일
it doesn't work when I include no_units
show us what you've tried. Simply attaching your m-file and asking us to do your work is not the point.

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