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How to change the Jacobian settings (full, fixed, lumped) when using solvepde?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hassan Baji
Hassan Baji 2017년 5월 25일
댓글: Hassan Baji 2017년 6월 2일
Anyone knows how to change the Jacobian setting (full, fixed, lumped) when using solvepde. The legacy pdenonlin allows you to change the setting, but it appears that solvepde does not have the option.
Thank you.

답변 (1개)

J Philps
J Philps 2017년 6월 1일
You are right, Jacobian selection option is no longer supported in the new workflow introduced since R2016a. Note that even in pdenonlin, the Jacobian selection was limited to 2-D problems. Approximate Jacobian, by specifying ‘fixed’ or ‘lumped’ options, often results in convergence issues.
Could you please share your workflow and any possible reason to not use the default full Jacobian?
  댓글 수: 1
Hassan Baji
Hassan Baji 2017년 6월 2일
Thanks Philps,
Here is my a simple code I am trying to solve. My actual problem is 3D. It is actually a water seepage problem, which is very similar to heat transfer.
clc clear clf
B = 10; H = 10; a = 2; km = 0.01; ki = 0.10; ti = 0.02;
ht = 100; hb = 0; grad = (ht - hb)/H;
model = createpde;
R = [3 4 -B/2 B/2 B/2 -B/2 -H/2 -H/2 H/2 H/2]';
C = [1, 0, 0, a]'; C = [C; zeros(length® - length(C), 1)];
gd = [R, C];
ns = char('R', 'C'); ns = ns';
sf = 'R-C';
[g, bt] = decsg(gd, sf, ns);
pdegplot(g,'EdgeLabels','on','FaceLabels','on') xlim(1.5*[-B/2, B/2]) ylim(1.5*[-H/2, H/2]) axis equal
pg = geometryFromEdges(model, g);
applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'dirichlet', 'edge', 2, 'u', ht); applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'dirichlet', 'edge', 4, 'u', hb); applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'neumann', 'edge', [1, 3], 'g', 0, 'q', 0);
g = @(region, state) gpdenonlin(region, state, ki, ti, a);
applyBoundaryCondition(model, 'neumann','edge', 5:8, 'g', g, 'q', 0, 'Vectorized', 'on');
specifyCoefficients(model,'m', 0, 'd', 0, 'c', -km, 'a', 0,'f', 0);
generateMesh(model, 'GeometricOrder','linear', 'Hmax', 0.5);
u = pdenonlin(model, -km, 0, 0,'Report','on', 'Jacobian', 'fixed'); results = createPDEResults(model, u);
[gcxu, gcyu] = evaluateCGradient(results); pdeplot(model,'XYData', u, 'Mesh', 'off', 'Contour', 'on', 'FlowData', [gcxu, gcyu]) axis equal
n = 20; xq = linspace(-B/2, B/2, n); yq = (-H/2)*ones(1, n); [qx, qy] = evaluateCGradient(results, xq, yq);
[p, e, t] = model.Mesh.meshToPet();
Qy = -trapz(xq, qy);
The Neumann boundary condition is a function with the following code:
function gcoeff = gpdenonlin(region, state, ki, ti, a)
[theta, ~] = cart2pol(region.x, region.y);
hh = 4*del2(state.u, theta);
gcoeff(1, :) = -(ki*ti./a^2)*hh;
The problem is that, when you change the setting to "full", it does not converge.

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